October 20, 2024

Oliver Pikus

Progressive Solutions

A Guide To Effective Access Control & Data Security

A Guide To Effective Access Control & Data Security


Access control is one of the most important aspects of data security for any business. It’s also a topic that can be very confusing to many people, especially if they haven’t had to deal with it directly before. Fortunately, once you understand the basic concepts behind access control systems, designing one that works well for your business becomes much simpler.

A Guide To Effective Access Control & Data Security

What is Access Control?

Access control is the process of granting or denying access to a resource. It can be used to protect data, systems, and networks; physical spaces; or digital spaces.

You can think of access control as being similar to a security guard at your local bank. The guard has the power to say “yes” or “no” when someone tries to enter the building–and if they say no once too many times? They’re probably out of work!

The Importance of Strong Passwords.

  • Passwords should be long and unique.
  • Passwords should not be easy to guess.
  • Passwords should not be written down or shared with anyone.
  • Do not reuse passwords for different accounts, especially if they are related (e.g., email and bank).

Biometrics and Extended Authentication Methods.

Biometrics are a type of authentication that uses physical characteristics, such as fingerprints or facial features, to verify identity. By using biometric information to confirm who you are when you log in and access sensitive data, you can ensure that only authorized users have access to the system–and if someone does get unauthorized access, it will be obvious because their biometric data won’t match up with what’s stored in the system.

Biometrics aren’t just used for authentication: they can also be used as an extended authentication method (EAM). Extended authentication methods are additional steps beyond traditional passwords or PINs that must be completed before gaining access to protected systems or data. For example, if your employer requires two-factor authentication (2FA) on its network resources but doesn’t provide any kind of physical token device like an RSA SecurID key fob or smartcard reader/writer device like SecuGen’s iCAM SmartCard Reader/Writer – PC/SC Version 2x USB Interface – EMV Compliant Version 3 Card Reader/Writer Module , then perhaps having employees enter both their username and password plus their fingerprint scan at login time would meet this requirement instead!

How to Choose the Right Technology for Your Business.

Choosing the right technology for your business can be a daunting task. There are so many factors to consider, including budget and current systems, but it’s important that you think about what kind of data your company needs protected and how they want to use it. You should also consider how employees and customers will interact with this new system.

When choosing a security system, there are several things you should keep in mind:

  • Budget – How much are we willing to spend? What is our maximum budget? Do we have any extra funding available (such as insurance or government grants)?
  • Current System – How do we currently secure our data? Is this something we’re happy with or would like to improve upon? Do any employees have access privileges they shouldn’t have (i.e., employees who don’t work at night should not have access during those hours).

How to Create a Security Plan that Works For You.

  • Write down your security goals.
  • Determine what data is most important to protect.
  • Define your risk tolerance (how much are you willing to spend on security, and how likely are you willing to accept a breach or loss of data).
  • Analyze your network and identify vulnerable areas (are there any unauthorized users on the network? Are there any outdated systems that need updating?)
  • Create a security policy and procedure for employees, contractors, third parties etc., so everyone knows what’s expected of them when handling sensitive information; this includes defining which forms of communication can be used for business communications vs personal use; setting rules about password strength requirements; establishing guidelines around BYOD devices (or Mobile Device Management); specifying whether encryption software must be installed on laptops/desktops prior to being issued by IT staff etc… 6.. Establishing policies specific towards mobile device usage such as prohibiting downloading apps from unknown sources; requiring remote wiping capability in case access credentials are lost or stolen etc…

Access control can be a powerful way to protect your company’s data, but it requires careful planning and oversight

Access control can be a powerful way to protect your company’s data, but it requires careful planning and oversight.

Access control is the process of controlling who can access what information. It’s important to understand that not all access controls are equal in their effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. Some options may provide greater protection than others for a given amount of money spent on implementation and maintenance, so it pays to do some research before making any decisions about how best to protect your business from malicious hackers or other threats.


As you can see, there are many factors to consider when choosing an access control system. The best way to get started is by looking at your current needs and finding the right solution for them. If you have any questions about the process or want some more information about a specific product, don’t hesitate to reach out!