October 20, 2024

Oliver Pikus

Progressive Solutions

Breaking Down The Barriers To Interoperability

Breaking Down The Barriers To Interoperability


The promise of artificial intelligence is that it will help us solve many of the world’s most difficult problems. But in order for AI to fulfill this promise, we need a way for different systems to communicate with each other. And right now, we have very little interoperability between applications and data sources. In this article, we’ll break down the barriers that stand between us and more seamless interoperability across AI systems so that they can work together as one giant supercomputer where all our data works together seamlessly.

Breaking Down The Barriers To Interoperability.

Lack Of Data

“Data is the new oil,” says David Kirkpatrick, author of The Facebook Effect and a Silicon Valley journalist. “It’s the currency of the 21st century.”

If you’re wondering what this means for interoperability, here’s an example: if you want to build a website that allows people from different health care organizations (say, doctors’ offices) to communicate with one another easily and securely, then you need all of them on board with sharing their data with your platform–or else it won’t work at all. This kind of situation is exactly why it takes so long for companies like Apple or Google to get their products into hospitals; there isn’t enough consensus among healthcare providers about how best to share patient information across systems.*

But there’s hope! As more tech companies enter this space–and especially as they start collecting more data themselves–we’ll see more cross-organizational collaboration around interoperability standards.*

Lack Of Knowledge

The first step to breaking down the barriers to interoperability is to know what is available, and how to overcome them. The second step is knowing how to get started.

Legacy Systems

Legacy systems are old and not easily replaced. They’re expensive, not secure, inflexible and don’t scale well. What does this mean for you? If you have a legacy system in place, it’s time to start thinking about how to upgrade or replace it with something new–and fast!

Security And Privacy Concerns

The concerns around privacy and security are well founded. However, they’re not the only things you should be thinking about when it comes to interoperability.

Trust And Identity Management

Trust and identity management is a key barrier to interoperability, AI, automation and data sharing.

It’s not just about who you trust but also how you prove that trust in an environment where things are changing quickly. It’s not enough for one organization or company to do this alone; we need standards that everyone can follow so that we can achieve our full potential as humans.

Interoperability is the key to unlocking AI

Interoperability is the key to unlocking AI. AI is a tool, not a solution. It can help you solve problems, make sense of data and automate processes but it cannot do so without access to the right information at the right time.

AI needs interoperability in three ways:

  • To be able to understand what it’s looking at when analyzing images or video – this requires having standards for labeling things like people’s faces or objects in photos (e.g., “this is a car”). * To understand speech commands correctly – this requires having standards for how words are pronounced (e.g., “hello” vs “helo”). * To interact with other systems over networks – this requires having standards for how messages should be structured and transmitted between different types of devices (e


We are at a pivotal point in history, where technology is evolving at an unprecedented rate. As we look to the future, it’s important that we remain focused on ensuring that our systems can work together seamlessly so that they can be used by everyone. This will enable us to unlock the potential of AI and make it accessible to everyone around the world