October 20, 2024

Oliver Pikus

Progressive Solutions

Does Your Management Style Fit Your Job?

Does Your Management Style Fit Your Job?


If you’ve been in management for any length of time, you’ve probably had to deal with the same issues over and over again. It can be frustrating to have the same problem crop up while trying to figure out how best to solve it, but if you understand why these problems arise, it will help make them easier to deal with (and avoid).

Does Your Management Style Fit Your Job?

If you’re in a managerial role, you probably spend a lot of time thinking about how to motivate and manage your team.

If you’re in a managerial role, you probably spend a lot of time thinking about how to motivate and manage your team. You may have read articles that talk about the importance of positive reinforcement, but how do you know if your approach is working?

Managers are responsible for the success of their teams and should be able to create an environment where people feel valued and motivated to perform well at work. If they’re not feeling motivated, then there’s likely something wrong with either how they’re being treated or what they’re doing on an ongoing basis (or both).

One way managers can assess whether they are doing things right is by asking themselves this question: “Am I giving my employees autonomy over their work responsibilities?”

A lot of managers make the mistake of assuming that their management style will work for everyone in their organization. But this isn’t always the case.

You may be a manager who has been in your position for a long time, and you’ve developed a particular management style that works best for you. You’re used to delegating tasks and expecting them to get done on time, or even better than expected. You have certain expectations about how employees should communicate when they encounter problems or issues at work–and if those don’t happen the way you want them to, then it might be time for some changes in your office culture.

You might feel like everyone else needs this kind of strict guidance from their boss; after all, isn’t having standards good? But there are some people who need more flexibility than others when it comes down to completing tasks on deadline (or even before). They may work better under pressure than others do–and so if they’re given more freedom over their workloads, they’ll be happier overall while still getting results!

Who should you manage like?

  • Manage like yourself. You can’t manage others in the same way that you would want to be managed, and that’s okay! If you’re a calm person who likes to take their time on decisions, then don’t try to force yourself into becoming a micromanager who makes everyone else feel rushed or pressured.
  • Manage like your boss. If someone has been hired above you in the company hierarchy, there’s probably a reason they got promoted over you–so listen up! Try observing how they interact with employees and use those tactics when managing underlings of your own (if appropriate).
  • Manage like a friend. While it may seem obvious that managers should treat employees well–and indeed this will improve morale among staff members–the reverse is also true: being treated well by management can improve productivity at work by making workers feel valued and respected as individuals rather than mere cogs within an impersonal system run by “the man.”

What does that look like?

  • Listen to your employees. If you want to figure out if your management style fits their job, the first step is listening to what they have to say about it. Ask them how they feel about the tasks they’re asked to do and how much autonomy they have in completing them.
  • Understand their strengths and weaknesses as a manager. What works well for one employee may not work as well for another; some people need more direction than others, while some thrive when given freedom from oversight as long as their work gets done efficiently and on time.
  • Be empathetic toward their needs as an employee–not just what’s best for them but also what motivates them professionally (and personally). This can help guide decisions like whether or not someone should receive additional training or be promoted into another position within the company structure so that everyone feels valued by his/her manager at all times.* Be clear with expectations upfront so everyone knows where “home base” lies before heading out into unfamiliar territory

Don’t assume that any style will work for all people.

As you begin to learn about various management styles, it’s important to remember that not all styles will work for everyone. Some people prefer a hands-off approach, while others need more guidance and direction from their manager.

When choosing a management style, consider your employees’ needs and preferences as well as your own strengths and weaknesses. There are no hard-and-fast rules about which one is best; rather than trying to force yourself into something that doesn’t fit you or your team members perfectly (or at all), find ways to make each person feel comfortable working within the parameters of their own personality type–and then watch them thrive!


The key to managing people is to figure out what works best for them. If you’re a manager and you’re not sure what kind of style will work best, look at your team or organization and ask yourself: What type of person do they need? What kind of environment do they thrive in? How can I help them succeed? If you have this information at hand when making decisions about how to manage your staff, then you’ll be able to create an effective plan that gets results without causing any undue stress.