February 15, 2025

Oliver Pikus

Progressive Solutions

Eight Tips To Improve Your Logistics (Shipping) Performance

Eight Tips To Improve Your Logistics (Shipping) Performance


There’s no one right way of doing business, but there are a few things that you can do to improve your logistics (shipping) performance. Here are seven tips:

Eight Tips To Improve Your Logistics (Shipping) Performance

Use software that can manage the entirety of your supply chain to get a complete view of your operations.

Using software that can manage the entirety of your supply chain will give you a complete view of your operations. This allows you to better plan, coordinate and manage your logistics activities.

It’s important to know where each product is at all times so that if there are any issues with an order or shipment, they can be resolved quickly and effectively.

Get rates and quotes from multiple carriers and service providers.

When you’re looking for a shipping provider, it’s important to get quotes from multiple carriers and service providers. It’s also important that you look for the best rate possible. To do this, you’ll need to know what questions to ask each carrier before signing on with them.

Here are some things that will help:

  • Ask if the company has any special offers or discounts available at the time of inquiry. If so, ask them how much those discounts apply towards your shipping costs (if they apply).
  • Ensure they can provide insurance coverage on your package(s) should anything go wrong during transit or delivery–thereby ensuring that both parties have their interests covered by this contract agreement between them both!

Consider using a third-party fulfillment center.

Consider using a third-party fulfillment center.

There are many reasons to outsource your fulfillment. A third-party can help you save money, get better service and focus on your core business.

Keep shipping costs low by managing inventory across multiple warehouses or storage facilities.

One way to reduce shipping costs is by managing inventory across multiple warehouses or storage facilities. With this approach, you can use the right location for each product at any given time. For example, if you have an item that’s in high demand and needs to be shipped quickly, it makes sense to keep it at a nearby facility so it doesn’t sit on a truck for days while traveling across state lines.

If your business sells products online and has customers all over the country (or even worldwide), then using multiple warehouses could help lower shipping costs by reducing transportation distance between locations where inventory resides and end customers who want those products delivered quickly.

In addition to reducing freight costs directly related to moving goods from point A (a warehouse) to point B (your customer), having multiple distribution centers also helps reduce labor costs because fewer people are needed overall when there’s more than one location handling shipments outbound from HQ or other primary locations within an organization such as factories manufacturing goods sold online via ecommerce websites like Amazon Marketplace Seller Central which lets anyone sell their own products through Amazon Prime membership benefits including free two day shipping so they don’t need their own fulfillment center unless they’re selling large quantities at once which would require dedicated space anyway regardless whether its owned by them personally or rented elsewhere

Monitor your inventory levels in real-time to identify potential problems before they occur.

In order to achieve the best possible performance, you need to know how much inventory you have at all times. This means monitoring your inventory levels in real-time and taking action when a problem arises.

For example, if a shipment arrives at its destination but there’s no one around to unload it because they’re all busy doing other things, that’s bad news for everyone involved: the driver who has wasted their time driving there; the company whose product isn’t getting out on time; and most importantly for our purposes here today–you! Because if there was something wrong with one of your shipments (maybe another driver couldn’t make it due to weather or traffic), then having an accurate picture of what’s going on with all shipments allows managers like yourself take appropriate action before any problems become too big or costly for them handle alone

Keep an eye on customers’ expectations for their shipment delivery times, and work with them if necessary to make things right.

It’s important to keep an eye on customers’ expectations for their shipment delivery times, and work with them if necessary to make things right. For example, if a customer expects his or her package to arrive in two days but it takes six days instead, then the shipping company should help him or her understand why there was such a delay.

The key here is that it’s not just about fixing problems–it’s also about communicating with customers so they know what happened and how they can avoid similar issues in future shipments. Use customer feedback as an opportunity to improve your shipping performance!

Create a detailed order management system that includes tracking numbers for each order and detailed tracking information for each shipment.

Tracking numbers are an important part of the shipment process. They should be used to identify shipments from the time they leave the warehouse until they arrive at their destination, and if you have multiple warehouses or distribution centers, tracking numbers should also be assigned to each shipment as it moves between them.

Tracking number standards can vary from company to company, but here’s a good example: Your tracking number will include two parts:

  • The first part is made up of three letters that indicate which carrier is handling your shipment (FedEx or UPS). This helps ensure that you know exactly where in your system each package sits at any given time–and if there’s ever an issue with one of those carriers later on down the road (like delayed delivery), then everyone knows exactly where they need go look for answers!

Using the right technology will help you improve your logistics performance

You can use the right technology to manage your supply chain and get a complete view of your operations. It’s important to consider using software that helps you get rates and quotes from multiple carriers and service providers, as well as track shipments in real time. The software should also allow you to manage inventory across multiple warehouses or storage facilities, so that you can keep shipping costs low by reducing the amount of excess stock on hand at any given time.


With the right technology, you can improve your shipping and logistics performance. By using software to manage your supply chain and get rates from multiple carriers, you’ll be able to make better decisions about where to ship and how quickly. You should also consider using a third-party fulfillment center if necessary–it will help keep costs low while providing excellent customer service. Monitoring inventory levels in real-time will allow you to identify potential problems before they occur; keeping an eye on customers’ expectations for their shipment delivery times will also help ensure things go smoothly when they receive their orders at home or work.#ENDWRITE