October 20, 2024

Oliver Pikus

Progressive Solutions

5 Key Steps to Data Management for Savvy Marketers

5 Key Steps to Data Management for Savvy Marketers


Data is an important asset, but it only gets useful when it is stored properly, used well and accessed easily by those who need it. It doesn’t help if you have all this data that can be used to understand your customers and users if you don’t know what kind of data you have or how to use it effectively. In this post, we’ll cover some key steps to make sure your team has everything they need to leverage their data effectively in order to get ahead of their competition:

5 Key Steps to Data Management for Savvy Marketers

Define the scope of your data.

Data scope is the range of data that you are going to manage. It should match your data use cases and be defined at the beginning of a project, so that all parties understand it. If you change data scope later, it can be very costly.

Define what you want to achieve with data.

You need to define what you want to achieve with data. This can be a bit tricky, especially if you’re new to the field of marketing and haven’t done much work with data before. But it’s important not only because it helps keep your efforts focused on meeting business goals but also because it helps ensure that any analysis will be useful in the long run.

For example, let’s say that one of your goals is better understanding customer preferences so that when someone buys something online (or over the phone), they receive an offer for related products or services based on their purchase history–that way they don’t have to go through several steps each time they make another purchase from us!

Understand your data’s quality.

Once you’ve identified the data you need, it’s time to understand its quality. Quality is essential to the success of any data project; without high-quality data, you can’t expect to derive meaningful insights from your analysis.

Quality is subjective and varies by business need. For example: if you’re trying to predict who will buy a product based on their social media activity, then accuracy (how often your predictions are correct) might be more important than completeness (whether or not every single person who has interacted with your brand shows up in your model). On the other hand, if someone is interested in learning about how many customers have visited their store location over time so they can better plan staffing hours at that store location during peak seasons like Christmas–then completeness may be more important than accuracy because we don’t care about whether or not we get exactly right but rather whether there are enough good examples of each type of customer interaction happening when it should happen!

The best way I’ve found for measuring data quality is through several metrics including: accuracy versus precision/recall (see below); homogeneity vs heterogeneity; granularity/resolution level differences between different types of attributes within columns…

Figure out the best way to store your data.

The first step in any data management strategy is to figure out how you’re going to store your data. Data storage needs to be secure and accessible, but it also needs to be easy for marketers to find what they need when they need it. The best way for marketers who are just starting out with their own company or working within an established company with existing systems and processes is to use third-party software services like Dropbox or Google Drive. These platforms provide built-in security measures that ensure sensitive information stays safe while also allowing people outside of IT teams access so they can work across departments more easily than if everyone was locked into proprietary software tools only available internally (or worse yet–on their personal computers).

If you don’t already have access rights as part of your job description, now’s a good time as any ask! You know what? Go ahead right now before reading further; I’ll wait here patiently until we can continue…

Make sure your team has the right tools and access to the right tools to effectively use and manage your data.

While there are many tools available for marketers, it’s important to make sure that you have the right ones for your team and your data.

  • Make sure your team has access to the right tools. This includes both software and hardware, such as laptops or tablets. If a member of your marketing department doesn’t have access to these essentials in order to do their jobs effectively, then they will be unable to do so–and that could mean missed opportunities or underperformance across all other areas related directly back up through this one missing link (i.e., poor customer service).
  • Ensure everyone knows how each tool works by providing training sessions whenever possible; if not possible then provide documentation on how everything functions so users can refer back when necessary later down line during their daily workflow routine.”

Data is an important asset but it only gets useful when it is stored properly, used well and accessed easily by those who need it.

Data is an important asset, but it only gets useful when it’s stored properly, used well and accessed easily by those who need it. If you don’t store your data in a way that makes sense for how you want to use it and access it (and if no one else has access), then all the work you’ve done collecting this information won’t do much good at all.

This is why a lot of marketers get frustrated with their marketing technology platforms: The platforms lack the flexibility needed for marketers to create analytics reports or build out custom dashboards that make sense for their organizations’ unique needs.


Data is the fuel that powers your marketing engine, but it only gets useful when it’s stored properly, used well and accessed easily by those who need it. If you take these five steps, you’ll be on your way to becoming a savvy marketer who knows how to use data in ways that help grow their business!