October 22, 2024

Oliver Pikus

Progressive Solutions

5 Reasons You Need Strong Threat Protection

5 Reasons You Need Strong Threat Protection


If you’re like most businesses, you’ve spent years building up the foundation of your IT infrastructure. You have a reliable server and reliable data center. You have a solid backup solution and a good disaster recovery plan—all designed to protect what matters most. But while that’s all well and good, there’s still one aspect of cybersecurity that many companies don’t think about: threat protection. Threat protection is an essential part of any security strategy because it helps ensure that hackers can’t break through defenses to steal important data or cause downtime for employees who rely on your systems every day. If you want to keep your tech safe from outside threats, here are five reasons why strong threat protection should be a staple in any enterprise cybersecurity strategy:

5 Reasons You Need Strong Threat Protection

Protect your business from hackers.

The world of hackers has changed a lot in the last few years. The bad guys are getting smarter, and they’re coming up with new ways to get into your network and steal your data, money and reputation. You need strong threat protection that can help you stay one step ahead of them.

Here are five reasons why:

  • Hackers can steal data–and lots of it! They might use phishing attacks to trick you into giving them access or gain access through weak passwords (like “123456”). Once inside your network, they may also use malware like keyloggers to steal sensitive information such as usernames and passwords for online banking accounts. This can lead directly back into the bank account itself–allowing them full control over all funds within it!

Preserve the integrity of your data.

Ransomware is one of the most common threats. It can lock down your data, holding it hostage until you pay a ransom. Data breaches are another threat that can cause severe damage to an organization’s reputation and bottom line. If your organization has not been breached yet, that doesn’t mean it won’t happen in the future; it’s just a matter of time before hackers find a way in and steal sensitive information from you or one of your employees’ devices.

Fortunately, there are ways to prevent both types of attacks: strong threat protection solutions that offer security for all devices connected to your network (including smartphones), as well as robust backups so no matter what happens with ransomware or data breaches–whether they’re caused by viruses or human error–you’ll always have access to all the files encrypted by attackers or lost during an attack on an employee’s computer

Avoid costly downtime and productivity loss.

When it comes to downtime, the cost is clear. Not only do you lose revenue from your employees not being able to work–and potentially losing clients–but also the costs associated with fixing the problem and restoring your system can be significant.

But what about productivity loss? What does that mean for your business?

Productivity loss happens when a threat causes an interruption in workflow because users are forced to take extra steps or spend more time completing tasks. This can result in delays, errors and frustrated customers who feel abandoned by their support team during a crisis situation; all of which have an impact on brand reputation as well as revenue generation potential.

Ensure that your employees are protected online, too.

  • Ensure that your employees are protected online, too.
  • A security plan should include employee training in cybersecurity best practices. Employees should understand the risks associated with phishing and malware attacks and know how to protect themselves from these threats.
  • Make sure you have a security app installed on all mobile devices used by your employees, including laptops, tablets and smartphones.

Prevent threats from getting past the entry point in the first place.

Prevent threats from getting past the entry point in the first place.

What is an entry point? An entry point is any place where a threat can enter your network and start causing damage, such as email servers or web servers. How can you prevent threats from getting past the entry point? One way is by using threat protection technologies like antivirus software, which detects malware before it reaches your endpoints or servers so that it never makes its way onto those devices in the first place. A common threat that gets past an organization’s security measures is ransomware–but if this type of malware has been prevented from entering into an organization’s network by using threat prevention software like Symantec Endpoint Protection 12 (SEP12), then there’s no risk of getting infected with ransomware!

Strong threat protection is a key part of any security strategy

Your business needs strong threat protection.

The reasons are many, but here are five:

  • It protects your business from hackers and malware that can steal sensitive data.
  • It protects against viruses that can cripple the network or bring down critical systems.
  • It protects against data breaches that could cost millions in fines and damages if not stopped in time.
  • By blocking phishing attacks and ransomware (malicious software designed to extort money), strong threat protection is an essential part of any security strategy for keeping hackers out of your network


Threat protection is one of the most important aspects of your security strategy. It can protect you from hackers, criminals and other online threats that are looking to steal your data or money. In addition to this, strong threat protection will also ensure that your employees are protected online too so they don’t fall victim to these kinds of attacks at work!