October 20, 2024

Oliver Pikus

Progressive Solutions

A Framework to Fight Bad Customer Experiences

A Framework to Fight Bad Customer Experiences


The customer experience is the core of any business. If your customers have a bad experience with you, they’ll tell their friends and families about it and warn them from doing business with you. And for good reason: people remember bad experiences for over twice as long as good experiences!

A Framework to Fight Bad Customer Experiences

The costs associated with poor customer experiences are higher than most people think. In addition to the immediate effect on sales, there are also indirect costs that come from negative word-of-mouth marketing and reputational damage which can cost millions of dollars each year if not addressed quickly. Even worse – your employees will feel like they’re part of an underperforming team which leads to lower morale, higher turnover rates among staff members or even worse… potential lawsuits!

A few years ago I had an idea to use artificial intelligence (AI) technology in order to fight bad customer experiences by understanding what makes people happy or unhappy before they even leave your establishment – hopefully before they even get home! This research project led me into working with several large retailers who suffer from all sorts of different problems such as theft (eBay), fraudulence (Visa), inefficient operations (Walmart), etc… But more importantly it taught me one thing: AI technology can help prevent many problems before they ever happen!

The customer experience is the core of any business.

Customer experience is the core of any business. It’s what your customers remember when they think about you, it influences their future purchasing decisions and can help or hinder your growth.

It’s easy to think that customer experience may not be as important as other aspects of your business–such as product development or marketing–but it’s actually one of the most crucial elements in determining whether a company succeeds or fails.

If a customer has a bad experience, they’ll tell their friends and family about it…and they will warn their friends and family from doing business with you.

The most important thing you can do is listen to your customers.

You may have heard this before, but it’s true: if a customer has a bad experience, they’ll tell their friends and family about it…and they will warn their friends and family from doing business with you. Word of mouth is the single most powerful tool in building relationships with your customers–or destroying them!

So how do we make sure we’re getting feedback? It’s simple: ask for it! If someone has an issue or complaint with something that happened during their visit (or after they left), ask them how we could improve things next time around so that everyone leaves happy.

Customers remember bad experiences for over twice as long as good experiences.

Bad customer experiences are more memorable than good ones.

The more intense the bad experience, the longer it’s remembered.

The longer it’s remembered, the more likely it will be talked about to others and thus spread further.

The costs associated with poor customer experiences are higher than you think.

In the age of social media, customers have access to more information than ever before. They are empowered to share their experiences with millions of people in real-time and at scale. The cost of a bad experience is higher than you think:

  • A single negative post can do significant damage to your brand’s reputation and cause long-term damage to sales and revenue.
  • Perception matters more today than ever before; people will pay more attention to potential issues when they feel like they aren’t getting what they paid for or expected out of an interaction with your company or product.

A bad customer experience can cause problems for your employees and team.

A bad customer experience can cause problems for your employees and team. It’s important to keep your team motivated, and sometimes that means providing them with the right tools.

  • Stress and anxiety: Employees can feel helpless in situations where they don’t have control over what’s happening or what actions are being taken against them by customers or other people involved in the situation (like coworkers). This can lead to stress and anxiety if it continues over time.
  • Motivation: Employees who feel like they’re not able to do anything about their situation will likely be less motivated than those who feel like they have power over their situation–even if it’s only small amounts of power at first!

You need to focus on your customers – not just a couple of key metrics.

You need to focus on your customers – not just a couple of key metrics.

You need to understand the customer journey and their needs.

You need to understand the customer’s pain points.

You need to understand what they value most (e.g., price, quality, service).

You need to understand how they behave (e.g., online vs offline)

How to fight bad customer experiences? Through AI!

AI is a powerful tool. It can help you understand how customers are experiencing your business, what they’re doing on your site, and how well your employees are handling customer service requests.

With this information in hand, you’ll be able to identify opportunities for improvement and make more informed decisions about how to improve the customer experience.

Artificial Intelligence is one of the most effective ways to fight bad customer experiences

AI is one of the most effective ways to fight bad customer experiences.

AI can improve customer experience by providing better service, faster resolutions and more accurate predictions. It can help you predict and prevent bad customer experiences before they happen by analyzing past data. For example, if you have a large number of customers who call in complaining about slow Internet speeds but don’t mention it until they’ve been waiting on hold for 15 minutes, AI will identify this pattern so you can take action before someone gets frustrated enough to hang up or tweet at you that your service sucks.

AI also helps us respond more quickly when things go wrong by tapping into knowledge bases filled with historical information (such as previous calls) which makes responding faster and easier than ever before!


In conclusion, artificial intelligence is one of the most effective ways to fight bad customer experiences. It can help you understand your customers better, save money on customer service costs and increase sales by providing them with a great experience every time they visit your store or website.