October 21, 2024

Oliver Pikus

Progressive Solutions

A Guide For Ethical Sourcing

A Guide For Ethical Sourcing


Imagine you’re a snowboarder and you’ve decided to take your first trip to the mountains. You’ve spent months planning and saving up for this trip, but once you get there all you want to do is ski. You have your skis on and are standing at the bottom of the slope when suddenly it dawns on you: What if this slope has been built over an ancient burial ground? What if those trees are actually sacred? What if there’s something here that belongs to the spirit world? It’s very possible that this could happen in real life, though thankfully not many people think about such things before going skiing (though maybe they should). So what’s one way we can avoid this scenario from happening in our business as well? Ethical sourcing!

A Guide For Ethical Sourcing

Consider all of your suppliers, not just the main ones

When you’re sourcing materials, it’s important to consider all of your suppliers. Not just the ones who provide most of your products or services; not just the ones who are largest and most well-known; but all of them.

When we think about ethical sourcing, we tend to focus on those main suppliers that provide us with our daily needs. But there are many other companies out there who are doing good work too–and they may not be as easy to find! There might be smaller businesses that sell products that interest you as well as larger ones (and vice versa). You could even go so far as looking into local companies in order to support local economies or communities where possible by buying from them instead of large corporations based elsewhere around the world.

If a supplier is not transparent about how they run their business, consider finding one that is.

Transparency is important for your company, and it’s even more important for the people who work for you. If a supplier is not transparent about how they run their business, consider finding one that is.

Transparency allows everyone involved with a product or service to know exactly what’s happening at every step of its creation–and if there are problems along the way, transparency can help solve them quickly and efficiently by keeping everyone informed at all times. This keeps costs low while maintaining high-quality standards across all aspects of production and delivery.

In addition to providing insight into how things operate behind closed doors (which may not always be apparent), when suppliers are open about their practices they show customers that they care about being ethical–which is good news for both parties involved!

Also consider whether the product you are using has been produced with the help of child labour, or in a way that puts their employees at risk of exploitation.

Child labour is not acceptable. It’s a big problem in some countries, and it’s often linked to human trafficking, slavery, and poverty.

Child labour is when children work in jobs that are dangerous or harmful for them physically or mentally. In some cases this may be because their parents need the money or there isn’t enough food at home for them to eat properly – which can happen if you live in a country where people don’t earn enough money from their job so they need someone else who can provide extra income by hiring out their services as child labourers (for example: cleaning houses).

You may also want to consider having an awareness of where your materials came from in the first place.

You may also want to consider having an awareness of where your materials came from in the first place.

It’s important to know that there are many different ways to find out where your materials come from, and each method can be used for different purposes. For example, if you are looking for specific information about where a specific material was sourced from or made, then it may be best for you to use one of these methods:

  • Ask the supplier directly (if they won’t tell you then they probably aren’t worth working with anyway). This can be done via email or phone call but keep in mind that this will likely take more time than other methods listed below!
  • Check out their website or other marketing material which should include some sort of statement on how they source their products/materials etc…

For example, if you use soy-based products such as vegan butter or tofu, be aware that some soybeans come from regions of Brazil where rainforest is being cleared for its production.

The rainforest is being cleared for soybean production in South America. In recent years, it has become increasingly common to hear about the destruction of the Amazon rainforest for soybean production. This has led many people to wonder how they can help stop this destruction while still enjoying their favorite vegan foods like tofu or other meat alternatives that contain soybeans.

As we’ll discuss below, some companies are taking steps to ensure their products come from sustainable sources; however, it’s important to remember that there are no guarantees when it comes to ethical sourcing practices (and many companies will not disclose information about where they get their ingredients). It may be difficult or impossible for you as an individual consumer–or even entire countries–to know whether your food choices align with your values regarding environmental sustainability and animal welfare

Think about whether your business practices are ethical.

Think about whether your business practices are ethical.

This is a good starting point for any business, but it’s especially important when it comes to ethical sourcing. If you’re looking for ways to be more socially responsible, take some time and think about how your company could use its power for good. Are there any ways that you could make the world a better place? How would this benefit both customers and employees?

The more transparency your company can practice the better!

Transparency is an important part of ethical sourcing. It makes it easier for consumers to find out if they are buying products from a company that has good ethical sourcing practices, and it also helps you as a business owner know what kind of customers you have. You can be transparent about your own business practices, as well as those of any suppliers or subcontractors you use. You can also make sure that the products you sell are clearly labeled with information about where they were made, who made them, and how they were produced (e.g., whether workers were paid fair wages).


The most important thing you can do is to be aware and conscious of the ethics behind your business practices. The more transparency your company can practice the better!