October 21, 2024

Oliver Pikus

Progressive Solutions

A Modern Approach to Workforce Transformation

A Modern Approach to Workforce Transformation


As a nation, we are facing significant challenges. Our economy is moving from an industrial-driven system to one that relies on information and technology. This shift has created more jobs than any other time in history, but it also means that the workforce needs to be able to transition from one thing to another—from programming computers to working with robots; from being drivers of cars and trucks to being passengers or even just passengers watching videos on their phones while they’re driven by autonomous vehicles. The transition will not happen overnight, but it must start now if we are going to successfully navigate this new world and still have jobs for people when they’re needed most: when they’re old or sick or disabled or retired.

A Modern Approach to Workforce Transformation

The workforce has to be able to transition from one thing to another

The workforce is changing. It’s not just about doing one thing and staying with it. The world is more complex than that, and your employees need to be flexible and adaptable. They have to be able to learn new skills on the fly, or even in the middle of a task–and they’ll have no problem doing so if you lead them through these transitions in an engaging way.

Digital transformation is about creating new opportunities for people

Digital transformation is not just about technology. It’s about creating new opportunities for people.

People are the most important asset of any organization, and they’re also the ones who make things happen, create value and drive performance. So when we talk about digital transformation, it’s important that we don’t forget this fact: People are the key drivers of change in your organization–and if you don’t take their needs into account during this process (including their emotional needs), then you’ll have a hard time seeing results from your efforts.

People have different skills and talents, and the issues of our time will require all of them

The world has changed, and so have the demands of the workforce. We are entering a new era where our employees’ skills and talents must be aligned with the issues of our time.

Digital transformation is not just about technology–it’s about people. When we think about digital transformation as a cost center rather than an investment in future growth, we’re missing out on what can be achieved when we leverage technology to empower individuals at all levels within an organization to do their best work together as one team.

We need to change our thinking from digital transformation as a cost center to an investment in future growth

We need to change our thinking from digital transformation as a cost center to an investment in future growth.

The workforce is changing, the way we work is changing, and the way we think about work is changing. The same goes for digital transformation: it’s no longer just about technology; it’s also about people and processes. You can’t have one without the other because they’re all interconnected. If you want your organization to thrive today and thrive tomorrow–and beyond–you need both sides of this equation working together in harmony across all three areas of focus (people/processes/technology).

We can use digital transformation to help us create a new work force with the right skills

Digital transformation is not a one-time event, but rather a continuous process. It requires new skills, new ways of working and an entirely different way of thinking about your business.

Digital transformation has been described as “the radical redesign of business processes to harness technology for competitive advantage”. While this may sound like something only big companies can do–and only after years of careful planning and preparation–the truth is that any company can begin its digital journey now by taking small steps towards using technology in smarter ways.


Employers need to think about how they can use digital transformation to create a new workforce with the right skills. This requires an investment in training and development, but it will pay off in the long run. The question is not whether or not we should invest in digital transformation–we already have and will continue doing so–but rather how we can use it as an opportunity to create new opportunities for people who want them while also retaining existing workers who may be concerned about losing their jobs due to automation or other factors.